Joshua and Caleb

Joshua and Caleb
Episode: 407
Season: 4
Chris gets his big break to start on the soccer team. His excitement quickly fades when he finds out some teammates are willing to cheat to win. Even worse, they want Chris to help them! Chris is in a bad spot! Superbook whisks the kids back to meet Caleb, Joshua and the ten other spies sent out by Moses to explore the land of Canaan the Lord has promised the Israelites. Numbers 14:9
Watch The Full EpisodeLesson:
Never be afraid to follow the Lord and do what is right.
Character Profiles
Adventure Guide
Moses Chooses the Twelve Spies
Moses Chooses the Twelve Spies
Twelve Spies Explore the Promised Land
Spies Report and Moses Intercedes for Israel
Joshua and Caleb in Promised Land
Joshua and Caleb - Salvation Poem
Q & A
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